Category: Blog

  • Reopinion’s Commitment To Social Services

    Reopinion Media and Com Pvt Ltd is a company that understands the importance of social services. This commitment is reflected in its special package for public relations of NGOs and social foundations working for the betterment of society. With a unique hybrid methodology, Reopinion helps these organizations showcase their work across India, creating a unique image building opportunity. Their expertise in public relations has allowed them to work with some of the biggest names in philanthropy such as Essar Foundation, Adani Foundation, Alembic Foundation and even the Melinda Gates Foundation.

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  • Printing Relations or Public Relations

    While the PR fraternity is celebrating the PR Day , I wonder whether the current practice observed by the fraternity is really Public Relations? As a student I always learnt the importance of cordial relationship as a PR professional. Also Knowledge sharing was an important aspect of public relation , as PR is other side

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  • Double Your PR Activities in Times of Recession

    While the economic slow down is threatening to approach , majority of the companies, whether small or big start taking preventive measure of cutting the cost to maintain the equilibrium of profits in one way or other. It is said, that the  companies first and  foremost target is the marketing budgets, which includes advertising ,promotions,

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